The Adolescent Human Rights Advocacy Project (AHRAP) is targeted at adolescent boys and girls in the Senior High Schools in the Greater Accra Region. The project seeks to empower and educate the adolescents on their rights as humans. The project will encourage SHS students to write essays on human rights issues for publication and set up or strengthen the school’s writers and debaters’ clubs to come up with exciting topics on human rights for debates. There will also be debates between schools on issues concerning human rights and the outstanding school will be rewarded. They will be trained to become human rights champions to be able to advocate for human rights in their communities. In addition, online platforms like blogs or YouTube will be created and students will be encouraged to come up with creative drawings, poetry, dramas, illustrations, etc that tells stories on human rights. The online platforms will be used to promote the works of students whiles educating the general public on human rights issues.

The AHRAP is being implemented by Women, Media and Change (WOMEC) and sponsored by the French Embassy, Ghana.